Dr. Naveed Ul Mustafa is an assistant professor at Department of Computer Science,
New Mexico State University, NM, USA. His research interests include computer architecture, persistent memory (system, hardware
support and security), memory hierarchy and memory systems.
Prior to joining NMSU, he was a post-doctoral reserach scholar at ARPERS (Architecture Research for PErformance, Reliability, and Security)
group, Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida, FL, USA. He was a memeber of the group from January 2021 to July 2024 and was repsonsible for developing
systems and architectural support for persistent memory systems. His work at ARPERS focused on utilizing architectural support for performance improvement and enhancing security level of excecution platforms.
He has served as an assistant professor at TED University, Ankara, Turkey and as instructor at Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey.
He also worked as an intern at Movidius-Intel (Dublin, Ireland), Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Barcelona, Spain), and completed his industrial thesis work at
Enea/Mälardalen University, Sweden.
He earned his PhD in Computer Engineering (year 2019) from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, under supervision
of Dr. Ozcan Ozturk . He earned his M.Sc in System-on-Chip Design (year 2011) from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Stockholm, Sweden, and B.Sc in Computer Engineering (year 2006) from University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila, Pakistan.
- May 16, 2024: I am honored to serve as Session Chair for Session 3 at SEED 2024.
- I will be joining Computer Science Department of New Mexico State University as Assistant Professor in Fall 2024.
- I am serving as PC member for SEED 2024. Please consider attending the conference.
- I am serving as PC member for NVMW 2024. See you in San Diego, CA.
- I am honored to serve the architectur-comunity as web-chair for ISCA 2023.
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